
Judo, meaning the gentle way, is a dynamic combat sport that demands physical ability and mental discipline. It includes standing grappling techniques to throw your partner in a controlled manner onto their back. The transition into groundwork looks for control over your partner to submit via hold down, and in senior practise includes strangles and arm locks.

Fu Dog is home to Carnegie Judo Club, established in 1980, and offers junior and senior classes for all levels and abilities. Following the judo moral code of: respect, friendship, modesty, honour, self-control, courage and politeness, Carnegie Judo create a family community based on fun and self-achievement.


MMA is a full contact combat sport using striking, grappling and submission techniques. The techniques are acquired from many different martial arts and combat sports, such as, Boxing, Muay Thai, Judo, Wrestling and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Classes here at Fu Dog consist of technical drilling and fight simulation training. We cater for beginner to advanced levels.

MMA is a highly disciplined and controlled sport, with a very strict rule set. Classes focus on safety and skill development whilst encouraging every individual to push their physical and mental abilities.


Everyone has their own fitness goals and we’re here to help achieve them. From weight loss, improved fitness to general health and well-being, our fitness classes are adapted to cater for all shapes, sizes and abilities.

Classes integrate various styles of training including: gym work, martial art style pad work, body circuits and strength exercise.

We understand that taking that step and starting a new gym or sport class can be daunting, that’s why we’ve created a safe environment, with no ego or judgement. So regardless of what stage you’re at, come along and experience a new way to support a healthy lifestyle.
